1 JULY 1960, page 30

Rough Boys And Smooth

SIR,—Mrs. Thompson continues to give such a grossly distorted picture of my Jim Starling's Holiday that I really must ask for a little more space in which to try to correct it.......

. Catholic Persecution In Spain Sir,—although I Do Not Agree

with most of the state- ments in the letters appearing in your issue of June 17 under the heading 'Catholic Persecution in Spain,' I shall only confine myself to one point. In......

Homosexual Prosecutions

Sta,—There seems to be a glut of red herrings at Leigh-on-Sea. Unlike Mr. Archdale, I deplore the persecution both of homosexuals and of prostitutes. But these two categories of......

Undeveloped Countries

SIR,—What is the great problem of our time? Different people Might give different answers to this question, but on any 'short list' there must surely be the problem of balancing......

The 'spectator' Crossword

SIR,--In crossword No. 1094 I spent at least half an hour looking in the Poems . and Songs of Robert Burns for the word 'louse' (as seen in a young lady's bonnet at church). I......

Mau Mau Sir,—your Correspondents Writing About The...

right to emphasise the grimness of Mau Mau methods and the failures of the administration before the revolt broke out, but the crucial question today is—how far will the Kikuyu.......

'africa South' Appeal Sir,-1 Would Like To Bring To The

attention of your readers the request Made to me by the London office of the Standard Bank of South Africa to with- draw my own account and that of Africa South Publications......

Sir,--it Is No Objection Whatsoever To A Crossword Puzzle To

say that it is a mental anaesthetic. Of course it is a mental anwsthetic and why not? How is life bearable at times without such a thing? It is what I have bought your......