1 JUNE 1872, page 21

Current Literature.

The Sling and the Stone. Vol. V. By Charles Voysey, B.A. (Triibner.) —The questionable interest which once attached to Mr. Voysey's utter- ances has passed away. It was a......

Mr. Calverley's Flyleaves.*

THE schoolboy whom his master reproves for wasting on carica- tures the time and the paper which he ought to be devoting to an essay on "Industry " gets, it is to be feared, but......

.redlands; Or, Home Temper. By Harriette Bowra. 2 Vols....

and Stoughton.)—It is no fault of ours if we have to repeat ad nauseant the same criticism. As long as authors or publishers—for where the fault lies is more than we can......

Three Centuries Of Modern History. By C. D. Yonge....

This book has two obvious faults. First, it has no index, a convenience, we ought to say a necessity, the place of which is by no means supplied by a tolerably copious table of......

Taste And Good Sense Jars Upon The Reader. The Preacher

seems too Anxious to make a point that no one has made before. Dr. Alexander is probably original when he says, "The spell of the mountains seems to have been on St. Matthew,......

Sisters And Wires. By Sarah Tytler. (smith And...

consists of three books, bound together by a certain family connection between the principal personages whose doings are recorded in them, but otherwise distinct. All three are......

Btaaksome Dene : A Sea Tale. By Hugh M. Walmsley.

3 vols. (Bentley.)—The author follows, or has followed, as we gather from the title-page, the military profession; but in writing his "sea tale" he is as technical as any sailor......