1 JUNE 1907, page 12

Liberalism And India.

To THE EDITOR OF TUE .. SFECT;708.1 Sllt,—We are all of us Liberals, nowadays, 'Wilds extent, that we all desire the granting of an "equality of opportunity" to all our......

The Report Of The Edalji Committee.

[To TIM EDITOR OF THE * SPOOF/MOM:1 Sut,—The Eduiji Committee has reported that the evidence given at the trial did not justify the conviction of Edalji. It was not, therefore,......

Letters To The Editor.

UNREST IN INDIA. [To TOP waives OP TON &giant-cowl Sin,—In your last issue Mr. G. C. Whitworth quotes a few native papers as evidence that educated Indians are generally......