1 JUNE 1962, page 15

The Alternative Vote Sir.—mr. Hollis Has Misunderstood My...

did not say the alternative vote would not be worth hav- ing, if we could get nothing better; what 1 did say was that we must not expect the alternative vote to give us what......

Educational Tv S1r,—we Have Been Informed That The...

Educational Television, foreshadowed in press announcements last autumn, is now legally in being. We feel it necessary to state that the sponsors have made no attempt to elicit......

Scr, —dr. J. B. Broadbent's Amiably Argumentative Reply...

letter confirms my suspicion that he does not know what a hymn is. He persists in judging it simply, or primarily, as poetry. It would be as absurd to judge an aria in an......

Celestial Infancies

SIR,-1 would like to state that in my last year as a pup.l at Darlington I went regularly to Holy Com- munion, yet was tolerated and even respected by the other pupils. (I may......


The Space Series By CLIFFORD HANLEY AND while we're on the sub- ject of formula series, let's n ot forget the rigorous pre- ordained ritual of space flight. If you think of......

Is A Pleasure To See Miss Olivia Manning Appreciating The

unusual quality of John Symonds's work, though he is not wholly as unrecognised as she suggests. His adult novels are little known, but in the sphere of the imaginative story......

Sir,—i Intend, With The Approval Of Mrs. Muir, To Write

a life of Edwin Muir. I shall be glad to hear from anyone who has letters or other relevant documents or who is willing to communicate mem- ories. Any documents sent to me (at......

Hymns As Poetry

SIR,—In his discussion of the hymns of Dr. J. M . Neale, Mr. Broadbent has neglected the fact that Neale's aim was not to write poetry. He was pro- ducing an English version of......

New Men In The Town Hall

S IR,—The dangers of the introduction of politics into local government may not be apparent to the recently-elected councillor until after a year or so in office. Local......