1 MARCH 1919, page 10

National Health.

O F all the problems of Reconstruction which should he engaging the attention of the nation at the present time, that which concerns its health is by far the most important. It......

Ito Rue Editor Or Tee Spectator.”] Sea, — .1 Have Just...

to tire pleasure of the old Spectator by my own fireside. Most of your readers must have read their old friend by the light of the penny dip until "Lights Out," and now back......

Labour Demands In The Coal Trade.

ITo THE EDITOR. or TEE SPECUTOR."1 Sta,—It is just as well that the public should know what the recent demand of the miners 'for a 30 per cent. increase of wages together with......

Letters To The Editor.

[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] SOLDIERS ON LABOUR UNREST.......