1 MARCH 1980, page 16

Devolution: A Reawakening?

Devolution: a reawakening? Sir: If recent newspaper reports are to be believed there appears to be an illusion current in London that the Scottish devolution question has 'gone......

Lady Houston's Contribution

Lady Houston's contribution Sir: I am an incorrigible pedant, and wish to point out to Mr McEwen (Postscript, 23 February) that the woman who enjoyed playing about with......


Animadness I Sir: As an oracle Mr Booker may indeed consider himself a modern Tiresias. Were he to continue on his monomaniac quest for the man in woman - and vice versa - I for......

The Croatian Connection

The Croatian connection Sir: Richard West (16 February) is less than elegant in asserting that, prior to the formation of Yugoslavia, the Croats 'had for centuries lived' under......

What A Difference A Gay Makes

What a difference a gay makes Sir: I was interested to read Alexander Chancellor's comments in the Notebook on the London Weekend Television programme Gay Life (16 February).......