1 MAY 1880, page 2

The Government Appears To Have Some Difficulty In Filling Up

the Embassy to Constantinople, where it is, of course, indis- pensable to make a thorough change. The appointment has been offered to Mr. Goschen and to Lord Carlingford, and as......

No Lord-lieutenant Has As Yet Been Named For Ireland, But

it is rumoured, with an appearance of authority, that Earl Cowper is to be sent there,—by no means a brilliant appoints meat. We still think that Lord Dufferin would have been......

It Is Now Certain That Mr. Lowe Has Been Offered,

and has accepted, a peerage, and it is rumoured that he will sit in the House of Lords as Viscount Sherbrook. We regret to see that an able Liberal evening contemporary......

Prince Bismarck Can Hardly Be Content. He Has Been Beaten

in the Reichstag by a vote of 128 to 112 in his attemptto make of the Samoan group a German colony, to be managed through a South Sea Trading Company, the majority considering......

Sir Donald Stewart's Battle On April 19th Outside Ghuznee...

a considerable one, and he was, as we imagined, in greater danger than the official telegrams admitted. The enemy had mustered from 15,000 to 20,000 strong, and when the General......

The Army And Navy Gazette Points To Sir Henry Havelock-

Allan as the fittest soldier in the House to succeed Lord Enstace Cecil as Surveyor-General of Ordnance. Sir Henry had a decided reputation in India as a leader as well as......

The Tribesmen, Undeterred By The News Of The Defeat Of

the 19th, made a bold attack upon General Ross on the 24th. The - form of the attack is still not reported, but apparently the Logaris and people of Wardak attempted to stop his......

The Transition Of Mr. Lowe To The House Of Lords

leaves a vacancy in the representation of the London University, and it is stated that a meeting of the Liberal party in that University will be held on Monday at the......

The Dispute Between The Porte And The Montenegrins. Is Not

over, and may become serious. The Sultan signed the decree conveying to Montenegro the ceded lands, and his Commander-in-Chief on the spot, Moukhtar Pasha, evacuated, them ; but......