30 APRIL 1942, page 12

• Sir,—i Doubt My Friend Sir Robert Grog's Premise That

titles are popular in America. But, if this be so, and if it is necessary to pen the American public of our democratic opinions, could we not, inst of abolishing titles, make......

Letters To The Editor

" RECONVERSION " OR " REVIVAL " Sm,—Prayers were offered in many Anglican churches on March lath, which was the day of St. Gregory, for " the reconversion of England." The......

Six,—there Have Been A Good Many References In The Spectator

la to snobbery. I would suggest that snobbery is common to the adolesc mind and has its foundations on fairly sound ground, namely, the sin after something we admire in others......

Snobbery And Titles

SIR, —When a controversy raged in The Times about the use of the term " Esquire," Mr. Osbert Sitwell reduced the question to the absurd by pointing out that it was not......

Snt,—as Neither Duke Nor Belted Earl Has Taken Up The

gage flung dos by Sir Robert Greig In The Spectator, may I give a different, and venture to think more useful, turn to the discussion by urging the disu of the quite meaningless......