1 OCTOBER 1892, page 1

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Mr. Cleveland's Letter Accepting The Democratic...

on Monday, is a somewhat disappointing document. Mr. Cleveland does not venture to fight the election on a pure Free-trade issue, but talks guardedly about tariff reform. "......

The Indian Government Has Two Or Three Little Wars On

its hands, one of which began on September 25th or 26th, and is of some moment. The tribes of the Black Mountain, a great hill district beyond the Indus, have been giving......

News Of The Week.

T HE rumours as to the intention of the German Government to propose a large increase of the Array are confirmed by the Berlin correspondent of the Times, who has, apparently,......

The Socialists Seem To Have Two Minds Upon The Subject

of war,—one for it, and one against. An International Socialist Congress has been held this week at Marseilles ; and a German Socialist, Herr Liebknecht, made a speech, which......

Count D'haussonville, Who Is Now Considered The Mouth-...

the French Legitimists, delivered a speech on Sep- tember 24th, at Montauban, which has attracted and deserved much comment in France. He maintained that the Monarchy had still......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, October 8th, will be issued gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......