1 OCTOBER 1898, page 1

News Of The Week.

S IR H. KITCHENER returned to Omdurman from Fashoda on September 25th. He found Major Marchand, as had been reported, at Fashoda with eight French officers and one hundred and......

It Is Difficult To Understand The Real Attitude Of French

statesmen with reference to the Upper Nile. They know they .cannot have it, and their talk of forwarding reinforcements to Major Marchand is talk merely. We imagine that they......

We Are Never Quite Out Of The Wood While The

Sultan is in it, but we seem in Crete to have reached its edge. Admiral Noel has steadily refused all suggestions of compromise, Edheen Pasha has been recalled, and the......

It Was Announced On Tuesday That Her Majesty Had Decided,

in consideration of Sir Herbert Kitchener's great services, to raise him to the Peerage. It is expressly added, and is a signal mark of favour, that the honour would have been......

The Accounts Of The Battle Of Omdurman Now Dropping In

from officers present leave no doubt in any mind as to the source of the Mandi's, or his successor the Khalifa's, power. His followers, the Baggara tribe more especially, were......

5 * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
