20 APRIL 1996, page 27

A Dismal Game

Sir: It is not surprising that an Australian, Michael Carlton, asks about Lady Hesketh, the new rugby columnist of your paper (Let- ters, 6 April), but his assumptions about her......

God Be Praised

Sir: I have seldom read such a biased book review as Rosalind Miles's spiteful splutter at Paul Johnson's The Quest for God (30 March). The probable opinion of Richard Dawkins,......

Sir: The Otherwise Admirable Article By E.p. Sanders...

to questions about the Resurrection makes an assumption on which his and a lot more theology hangs that is demonstrably false. He says, 'Mark • • probably served as a source for......

Wrong Council

Sir: Mr Gavin Stamp says that 'the Conser- vative-controlled, car-obsessed council has actually managed to divert yet more traffic into the Circus' (Not motoring, 30 March). In......

Soft On Poverty

Sir: Can a Christian be a socialist (Politics, 13 April)? Christ had favourites, e.g. the beloved disciple. How does this square with egalitari- anism? He liked conspicuous......

Many Questions

Sir: I have no idea what kind of fee an Arts and Sciences Professor of Religion at Duke University and a former Dean Ireland's Professor of Exegesis of Holy Scripture at Oxford......

Sir: Apropos Of E.p. Sanders's Commend- Ably Honest...

the real evidence for the Resurrection, I was forcibly remind- ed of the conclusion reached by the great German theologian, David Friedrich Strauss, who wrote of the......