20 DECEMBER 1968, page 25

Sir: May I Correct An Error Made By Mr Waugh

in his article published in your issue of 6 December? It was students from Sussex, not Essex, University who referred Mr Skeffington-Lodge to the Director of Public......

Sir: Mr Patrick Hutber (letters, 13 December) Appears To...

a strange, Walter Mitty-ish urge to play out fantasy roles for which he is uniquely unequipped. He is, for instance, in- ordinately proud that I have not 'controverted' any of......

Table Talk

Sir: Surely Professor Brogan's almost prover- bial slips of detail (at any rate in informal con- texts) are part of the charm of his learned and always entertaining articles. He......

Sir: It Is Perfectly True, As My Colleague Patrick Hutber

wrote (Letters, 13 December), that 1 re- gard Kingsley Amis's assault on Yevtushenko as 'inept' and much of the tone of the attacks as 'unfortunate.' But I would not like-it to......

Islands In The Cold

Sir: If J. E. Martin (Letters, 13 December) de- sires ocular evidence of the Falkland Islanders' desire to remain British, I will willingly send him three medals I earned as an......

Within The Meaning Of The Act

Sir: Mr Auberon Waugh's article on genocide 16 December) makes compelling reading and you should be congratulated for publishing it. But the correspondence provoked by Mr Angus......

Official Rebel

Sir: Surely those who supported Yevgeni Yew- tushenko (alias Eugenius Eutychianus, alias Yesmebi Yesithinkso, alias Party Hack) as a brave rebel, and those who denounced him as......

Why Bolt All The Doors?

Sir: Although having been much involved in cricket over the past thirty years I have not, until now, really understood what this d'Oliveira business has been all about and have......