20 JANUARY 1906, page 12

Lancashire Cotton Trade.

[To THE EDITOR 07 TEE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,—In a letter to the Manchester Guardian dated June 2nd, 1903, I said: "There can hardly be any doubt that Lancashire will be found to be......

Letters To The Editor.

THE TRANS VAAL CHAMBER OF MINES' MEMO- RANDUM AND CHINESE LABOUR. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Srn,—The Chamber of Mines, adopting their old tactics of trying to frighten......

"playing With Fire."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 . Sin,—Sir Edward Law's answer in the National Review to Sir John and Sir Richard Strachey, which is 'so briefly referred to in the Spectator......

Crabbing On The North-east Coast.

T HE golden glory of the ragwort is long since over; the purple crane's-bill has vanished; the coarse grass of the bents has lost its green and taken on the grey tinge of......

"chinese Slavery."

[To TER EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.] SIE, — These two words in conjunction look very impressive, and by all accounts are doing good service at the polls. But to one who reads......