20 JANUARY 1923, page 24

Minuet And Fox-trot. By Agnes And Egerton Castle....

6d. net.)—There are a dozen short stories in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Castle continue to be well-bred and readable, and though seldom inordinately thril- ling, they are never......

Mr. Lucas Has An Inexhaustible Vein Of Genial...

this volume is as good as his others. His range of subject is wide ; but everything he touches takes upon it the same suavity and ease. The most important essay in this......

D'arcy Conyers. By Bertal Heeney. (hodder And Stoughton....

hark-back to the magazine fiction of the 'eighties. We have that little Canadian village by the lake "where D'Arcy went to school," and a simple, moral faith which believes that......

Notes On Rutland Boughton's The Immortal Hour. By A. J.

Sheldon. (Cornish Bros. is. net.) Mr. Boughton was certainly perverse in calling his essen- tially lyrical opera a "music-drama." It has none of the complexity of Wagner and......

Other Books.

Mr. Edmund Gosse, who contributes a Preface to this volume, has the pleasure of praising both a father and a son in one short notice. The former, the late Austin Dobson, Mr.......


A STUDY IN TEMPERAMENTS.* Mn. IIEywooD BROM , ' is well known in America as a journalist, but—unless we are mistaken----this is his first novel. The first thing that strikes us......

The Fool Of Destiny. By Rolf Bennett And Kathe- Rine

Harrington. (Hutchinson. 7s. 6d.)—An amusing piece of commercial fiction of the film-serial type, unhampered by any attempts at characterization or realism. In the first fifty......

The Film Mystery. By Arthur B. Reeve. (hodder And Stoughton.

7s. ad. net.)—Those who are curious as to the world of American cinema artists will acquire a great deal of informa- tion as to their mode of life in this novel. The details of......

The Lady In Question. By George Robcy. (nash And Grayson.

Os. net.)—Mr. Robey takes an unfair advan- tage from his own persofiality. We snigger at many of the written words of his book because the vision comes to us of how he would......

About Life. Stories By Basil Watson (" Ensign"). (duck--...

7s. 6d. net.)—A series of very " hearty " sketches concerning such topics as soldiering, racing, boxing, shooting, ase. The stories, with one exception, are vigorous and good of......

Piracy. By Michael Arlen. (collins. 7s. 6d. Net.)— Mr....

novel is queerly dissatisfying. It is irritating. And yet it must be spoken of respectfully ; and it must be spoken of vaguely because there is something in it that fails to......