20 JANUARY 1961, page 15

Literature Into Life Sir,--to My Protest That, If Dr. Davie

wanted to make his reference to Delta at all, he was bound in plain honour to tell your readers something about the article in question, Dr. Davie replies that I was comically......

The Congo

SIR,--After the arrest of Lumumba, it was thought that things would 'move towards stability from now on' in the Congo. This has proved a shameful illusion. While Lumumba's......

Sir,—your Reviewer Finds It Inexplicable That Disraeli...

did, and wonders how he managed it. Well, he had great courage, imagination, genius. Of course, if one is determined to ignore those things—and your reviewer doesn't mention one......


SIR,—It is many years since I disproved the myth that serves as the pivot of Mr. Bryden's article on Disraeli's background. From the time of Oliver Cromwell, native-born Jews......


owe an apology to readers of my review 'New Adam' (Spectator, January 6), for three inac- curacies in one sentence about Condorcet. The cor- rect title of his last work was......

Libraries And Authors' Royalties

I is clearly a waste of effort to bandy words about washing-machines with the learned mouthpiece of the librarians: for he does not seem to read them. May I stick to a few facts......

Sir,—mr. H. E. Taylor Asks: 'can A Book Be Lent

to its owner? The books in public libraries belong to the persons who use them.' Are not public lavatories lent to their owners—at least to half of them—at a penny a time? The......