20 JULY 1907, page 19

The " Spectator " Experimental Company.

[To TRR EDITOR OP TIM '4 SPROTSTORM Snt,—May I venture to ask for space in your columns in order to recommend P. Brown, late private Spectator ExperimPntal Company, for a......

The United Irish League And The Peasantry.

[To THE EDITOR OW THE " SPECTATOR:9 ST134.'4 heard in Ireland a few days ago from the lips of a tenant farmer a neat summary of the attitude of those justly described by......

A Grateful Lion.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,•–•In your article " Androclus and the Lion" (Spectator, June 29th) great doubt is thrown on the truth of the classic tale, but I venture......


AN AMERICAN CRITIC.* A FEW years ago there used to be much talk about the great American novel,—how it was coming to show England the way, and so forth. It has not come, at......

Nurseries Of Sea-fowl..

[To THE EDITOR Or TIER " SPROTRTOR."1 Sin,—The writer of the article on the above subject in Uzi Spectator of June 29th refers to the fulmar-petrel as being "restricted to St.......


BIRDALONE. (NORTH SOMERSET.) THERE grows a tharn by Avonside, And there my birdie built her nest. Oh! I've a-wandered far and wide, But still that music breaks my rest. Ne'er......