20 JULY 1912, page 15

Liberalism And The Macedonian Horrors. [to The Editor Op The

" SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—" The present condition of Macedonia is a disgrace to humanity and to the European Powers, England included, who allow it to continue." "What is being done by......

Rich Idlers And Pauper Idlers.

rTo THIS EDITOR Or TER "SPECTATOR:' Srn,—History repeats itself. In 1848 Lamartine—then leader of the National Assembly—warned the Socialist Government of France that its policy......

The " Spectator " And Tariff Reform.

[TO TIM EDITOR Or THIS "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Week by week you champion the cause of Free Trade with a persistency which those - who do not agree with you must commend and confess......