20 JUNE 1896, page 2

This Speech Was Received Cordially By The Unionist Mem-...

though Mr. Courtney pointed out the danger that there might not be sufficient time to get through all that would be needed between the early part of January and the middle of......

As Mr. John Morley Improves As A Platform Orator, He

falls off as a detached thinker. His speech on Wednesday at the Free Trade Hall in Manchester was a capital. rattling party speech. But it was not a good speech. It made a......

On Thursday Night, After Mr. Stuart Had Moved An Amend-

ment to confine the new Education Authority to secondary education, Sir W. Harcourt proposed to the Government to drop the part of the Bill creating an Authority that was in-......

A Great Deal Of Monday Evening Was Spent In Discussing

a proposal of Mr. Evans's to give every Council of urban districts, " containing not less than twenty thousand inhabitants according to the last census," the same right in......

It Appears To Be Assumed In America That The Republican

party must win, but that is premature. It is not certain what policy the Democrat Convention, still to meet at Chicago, will adopt, or what candidate they will ultimately......

On Tuesday The Debate First Turned Upon Sir John Lubbock's

amendment to the effect that wherever the area of a School Board was conterminous with that of the County or Borough Council the Education Authority should be a body......

On Wednesday The Discussion Turned Chiefly On The Repre-...

of minorities, for which apparently the Opposition wished, though after inveighing against the scheme of the Government for giving too much power to the local authority, they......

The Convention Of The Republican Party In The United States,

which has been sitting at St. Louis, has unanimously accepted Mr. McKinley as its candidate for the Presidency, with a programme including a high tariff and adhesion to a . gold......