20 JUNE 1908, page 2

As To The Pauper Disqualification, He Could Only Plead That

they were making a beginning, and a real beginning. It was impossible to include paupets in the scheme till they had first of all dealt with the problem of the Poor Law, and......

As To The Question Where The Seven And A Half

millions was to crime frdnl, Mr. Lloyd George could only express his wonder that anybody could imagine any sane body of Britisher. mideitaking a leek of this "kind without......

Mr. Lloyd George Next Declared That There Was A Good

deal to be said in favour of a sliding-scale. It was working very well in New Zealand, and the House would find that the Government would not resist that proposal very......

To Make The Confusion The Greater, The Chancellor Of The

Exchequer added :—" The pauper disqualification id on the face of it provisional ; nay, it is really provisional until Parliament otherwise orders. Parliament will have to make......

We Have Dealt At Great Length With Mr. Lloyd George's

speech, but must find space to notice the passage in which he answered our article of a fortnight ago "A very able article appeared in the Spectator last Saturday week......

In The House Of Commons On Monday The Chancellor Of

the Exchequer moved the second reading of the Old-Age Pensions Bill, which he described as in effect Mr. Chamber- lain's scheme. According to the Census of 1886, the average......

The Pan-anglican Congress Has Been In Session During The...

week, and the proceedings have been marked by a zeal and enthusiasm in every way appropriate to the tremendoti. issues with which the speakers have dealt. We have written of the......

The Great Demonstration In Favour Of Women's Suffrage Was...

held on Saturday last. Estimates as to the exact number of women who took part in the procession, which marched from the Embankment to the Albert Hall, range from six thousand......