20 MARCH 1875, page 2

A Conversation Arose In The House Of Lords On Thursday

on the point whether the Government intended to propose a revision of the Marriage Laws of the United Kingdom, in conformity with the recommendations of the Commission which......

The Pope Has Created Six More Cardinals. Two Of Them,

Mgri. Giannelli and Bartolini, are Italians of no eminence ex- cept as officials of the ecclesiastical departments in Rome, but the other four are men of considerable mark in......

The Penal Bill Disendowing Without Disestablishing The...

Prussia is sure to pass, and it is even stated that it is to be followed by severer measures intended to destroy the Roman Catholic Episcopacy altogether, by making the lay......

Mr. Goschen Took The Second Reading Of The Bill Intended

to limit the Scotch Banks of Issue to Scotland on Wednesday last. We have discussed the subject elsewhere, but may add here that. in the short debate which ensued Mr. Gladstone......

Mr. Watkin Williams Pointed Out, In A Very Sensible Letter

to Tuesday's Times, that the real ground of the unpopularity with the Bar of the Court of Appeal proposed in the Judicature Act is simply that it is not a really independent and......

Earl Stanhope, In A Letter To The Times, Agrees With

us in con- demning the proposal to remove the scene of the Oxford Encwnia to the Divinity School and to abolish Commemoration Week. He suggests that rowdyism should be prevented......

The Government Has Been Firm On The Regimental Exchanges...

which has passed the Commons, and is going to be firm on the Artisans Dwellings Bill, which Mr. Cross, in spite of much criticism, especially from Mr. Fawcett, who affirms that......

Nothing, However, Could Be Apparently Less Welcome To The...

than the notion of taking anything big in hand, whether on a favourable opportunity or otherwise. Sir Stafford Northcote, having made a speech showing that he understood the......