20 MARCH 1880, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE whole country is occupied with the Election, the papers are full of speeches and addresses, and the wire-pullers put out endless calculations. We trust none of them, under......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In Any


This Day Week, Lord Harlington Delivered, At Accrington,...

speech to the electors of North-East Lancashire, and a very masterly speech it was. He called it a mere preliminary skirmish, a reconnaissance on the position of the Government,......

It Is, Of Course, Impossible For Us To Give Even

an idea of the shoals of addresses published by the thousand or so of candidates standing for the 652 seats. As a rule, the Tories follow their leaders' cue,—exult in their......

There Was A Sharp Little Debate In The Lords On

Monday, nominally about the Eastern Question, which was discussed by Lord Campbell and Stratheden, but really about Lord Beacons- field's manifesto. Lord Granville attributed......

Lord Beaconsfield, In Replying, Took Great Credit To...

being a man of peace. All Lord Stratheden's suggestions, he said, for an alternative policy to his own, led direct to war. He had preferred peace. As to Lord Granville's......