20 MAY 1899, page 1

The Manufacture By Germany Of A Claim - To Asia Minor

as within her "sphere of influence" goes on steadily. The Times correspondent at Berlin quotes in last Satur- day's paper certain statements from German newspapers to show that......

- Other Itenati Of Snuth African News This Weekure :

(1) the 'agreini4nt that Sir Alfred - Milner . and President - Kruger shill Meet at Bloemfontein on May'30th,lo discuss the whole situa-' tio.n ; and (2) the President's......

On Wednesday News Was Received In London That Seven...

and one Dane—had been arrested at Johannesburg on a 'charge of high treason, and lodged in Pretoria Gaol. The prisoners are described as "a nondescript lot" of " loafer-like "......

News Of The Week.

O N Wednesday the Queen (who car the day before had visited Kensington Palace) laid the foundation-stone of the additions that are to be made to the South Kensington......

Prince George's Visit To Candia, Reported In Last...

passed off without hitch or collision, though twenty thousand Christian peasants had flocked into a town already crowded with Mahommedan refugees. The Prince, who arrived from......

* ** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Hanuscript,in...
