20 MAY 1966, page 11


Lucky Doug By ALAN BRIEN Douglas had the unfailing ability to precipitate and crystallise around him, out of clear pure air, all kinds of murky disasters. We were both in our......

Spectator Crossword No. 1222

ACROSS I. Painter taken bad in the Under- ground (6) 4. Spanish adherents provide litera- ture for the motorist (8) 8. All the perfumes of 10 couldn't do this for a little hand!......

Solution To Crossword No. 1221

ACROSS.—I Cabbage. 5 En guard. 9 Penance. 10 Pyrites. 11 Regulation. 12 Free. 13 Rot. 14 Destination. 17 Medica- ments. 19 Sad. 20 Iron. 22 Allowances. 26 Dolphin. 27 Batting.......