21 APRIL 1894, page 2

For The Coming Year, The Income And Expenditure, If No

fresh taxes were levied, would be :- Revenue (on existing basis of taxation) ... £90,955,000 Expenditure ... ••• ••• 95,4,58,000 Deficit ... &1,502,000 That is, the Government......

On The Whole, The Budget Is Moderate, Ingenious, And Worthy

of the fiscal traditions of the Liberal party, and Sir William Harcourt deserves all the praise he has got for the lucidity of his exposition. It was, however, a marked defect......

Colonel Nolan Moved On Wednesday The Repeal Of The Irish

Crimes Act of 1887, in a violent speech in which he called the Act infamous, and he was seconded by Mr. W. Redmond, who described minutely his own experience as a prisoner......

On The General Details Of The Bill, As Far As

it affects- derelict land, we will not pronounce till we have seen the text ; but we must say at once that the provisions in regard to land occupied by new tenants are among the......

It Remains To Be Said That The Reform Of The

Death-duties is to be accomplished by equalising their incidence on real and personal property, and by graduating them against large fortunes. In future there will in effect be......

On Laeaday, The Discussion On The Proposal For A Scotch

Grand1 '- , trimittee was continued, and Mr. Balfour's amend- mentdec a,ing to entertain this isolated proposal without the submissica of a general scheme covering the procedure......

On Thursday Mr. Morley Introduced The Evicted Tenants...

conferring on Ireland the precedence for which she , has been struggling with Wales, Scotland, London, and the- Temperance party. His Bill proposes to create a Board of three......