21 AUGUST 1976, page 18


Champagne Jeffrey Bernard A day at the races can be nearly made or broken by the race train. When I first started going to the more distant courses from London some ten years......

The Pope

Sir: As an Anglican with many Roman Catholic friends, and also as one inured to Auberon Waugh's style of writing, 1 aril astonished at his language about the Pope. to whom he......

Sir: I Was Disturbed To Read Auberon Waugh's Somewhat...

and clearlY misleading attacks upon his Holiness Pone Paul VI. Despite your writer's ramblings. Archbishop Lefebvre was suspended from all his duties a divinis, on the......

Churchill And The War Sir : Mr Patrick Cosgrave's Eloquence

(Ley ters. 14 August) runs away with his logic. I .?, my review of R. W. Thompson's Church'," and Morton (31 July) I said that Britain s leaders, including Churchill, went to......