21 DECEMBER 1850, page 1

Foreign Affairs Do Not Present The Massive Aspect Which They

have generally worn of late. Negative incidents and small move- ments are the characteristic. The Emperor of Austria is disbanding his armies—faster even than Prussia ; and is......

"the "great Day" At Smithfield Has Disappointed The...

terest, and has occasioned some grave faces in other quarters. `..` Beasts " and sheep proved not a very readily convertible " pe- etinia " on the great Christmas market-day.......

News Of The Week.

LONG continued as the Anti-Papal agitation has been, the interest of the weekly reports is transferred from the movement at large to details and particular incidents. Wearied......

The Elections At Limerick, Completed, And In South...

pending, excite an interest proportionate to the general poli- tical flatness of the season. The result of the Limerick election is rather remarkable. The Tenant League put......