21 DECEMBER 1907, page 18

" The Manufacture Of Paupers." [to The Editor Of The

" SPECTATOR." I SIR,—I think there must be many who, like Mr. Everard Hesketh, have felt the value of the above book. May I express the wish that you will also publish in......


STERNDALE BENNETT. BIOGRAPHIES of living musicians who are still in mid-career have become so common of late years that it is worth noting that we have had to wait thirty-two......


IN MEMORIAM: LORD KELVIN. Lncz its own wraith, from stormy evening skies Fitfully gleams the dim December sun. Close the tired eyes, those steadfast, searching eyes; Fold the......

The Climber Questioned.

[The Alpine Club, founded in December, 1867, celebrated its Jubilee December 16th and 17th, 1907.] -- - QUESTION. " WHAT do ye win P" the scorners ask, " Who climb great peaks......

An Old-fashioned Rhyme.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Can any of your readers help me to find an old- fashioned rhyme on the Kings and Queens of England beginning :- " William the First, as......

Girton College : A Correction.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT011."1 Sin,—In a paper by Mrs. Creighton on " Women's Work for the Church and for the State," which is being circulated in connexion with the......