21 DECEMBER 1945, page 2

Terminating Controls

During the last week some welcome breaches have been made in the elaborate system of controls which is one of the most unpopular legacies of the war. This Thursday all women of......

Government Publicity

If the statement by the Prime Minister on Monday that the Ministry of Information is to be brought to an end was explicit, his explanation of what machinery is to take its place......

“pravda " On Azerbaijan

If they do arrive at discussing the problem of Persia, the Foreign Ministers will find themselves faced with such a divergence of view that it is difficult to see how it can be......

Service Pay

The reform of Service rates of pay announced in a White Paper issued on Wednesday has long been overdue ; and the changes, apart from the general increase in pay, which the......

America's Advice To China

President Truman's statement last Sunday on American policy in China has been widely welcomed. It provides a basis on which internal unity may be restored in China, and on which......

The Entente In The Levant

Mr. Eden very rightly congratulated Mr. Bevin in the House of Commons last week on the agreement which has been reached between France and Great Britain on policy in the Levant.......