21 FEBRUARY 1981, page 16

Contempt And The Nccl

Sir: Paul Johnson (14 February) says that mine was 'a classic case of contempt'. It was indeed a classic case, but for quite different reasons than he suggests. Denning's......

Exit Right?

Sir: At last Saturday's extraordinary general meeting of EXIT, the Voluntary Euthanasia Society, Mr Nicholas Reed, the Secretary, urged his members to write to the Spectator in......

The Means To The End

Sir: Andrew Brown in 'The Swedish way of death' (14 February) tells us that `RTVD, the Swedish equivalent of EXIT, is 20 times as large as the English organisation in proportion......

Sticking To The Facts

Sir: It is obviously difficult to ensure that reports should be free from bias, whether in The Times or the Spectator. Nevertheless, they should be as unbiased as possible, and......

Darkness From Light

Sir: Why is homosexuality the one subject that leaves Spectator staff unenlightened? The otherwise sane Richard Ingrams is irrational about it, as I have pointed out before in......

Surpassing Rude

Sir: With his article 'The Reagan vulgarama' (24 January) Mr Nicholas von Hoffman has surpassed himself. In previous articles he has referred to the new American President, in......