21 JANUARY 1978, page 18

In The City

Treasury obfuscation Nicholas Davenport If anyone can understand the revelations of the two White Papers (volumes I and II) of the Government's Expenditure Plans 1978-79 to......

Official Concealment

Sir: The saga of secrecy in British Steel is a disgrace. The Corporation is owned by the people of Britain. Their representatives in Parliament must have the right of access, in......

Silly Judge, Silly Law

Sir: 1 was sorry to read your leading article in the 14 January issue. Your comments on the 1965 Act will no doubt be accepted as fair by a large number of people but your......

Aid To Vietnam

Sir: I noticed the appeal for donations to equip the Ky Anh Hospital in Vietnam, published by the British Hospital for Vietnam Committee in the classified advertisement section......

Quality Of Architecture

Sir: The reply by Mr Stamp (14 January) to my review of David Watkin's Architecture and Morality was a predictable one. Only a serious and intelligent essay would have prompted......

Sir David Hunt

Sir: You can imagine my feelings on seeing the insulting remarks made by Mr Waugh about my husband in your issue of 31 December. I do not think it right to descend to his level......