21 JANUARY 1989, page 24


Academic freedom Sir: Four fellows of my college still do not understand (Letters, 7 January) why so many people took offence at the disinvita- tion of Ernst Nolte from the......

The Fogey Bomb

Sir: A few years ago there was invented the neutron bomb which killed people but left buildings intact. Now I hear of a new weapon called the Fogey bomb which destroys all......

Sovereign People

Sir: The controversy in the pages of The Spectator about the question whether Bri- tain is a democracy or not suffers, in my view, from a great deal of terminological confusion.......

Sir: Is It Not Strange That The Four Protesting Members

of Wolfson's governing body appear to be primarily concerned about Mark Almond's supposed misrepresenta- tion of procedural matters, rather than with the central issue of......

Fatal Flaw

Sir: A contributor to your Christmas issue (Diary, 17/24 December) asserts that 'probably the greatest, most moving reli- gious experience of the British in recent years was the......

Easier Exit

Sir: In his fascinating article ('Safe exit from Yalta', 14 January), Timothy Garton Ash concludes that the European Com- munity is the only safe exit from Yalta. He appears to......