21 JULY 1900, page 14

No Volunteers Seed Apply.

(To TUB EDITos OP THZ "SrEcTATos.1 SIE,—It is to be hoped that your . protest against the ten- dency to turn the Volunteers into .imitation Regulars will not fall on deaf ears.......

A Hint To Swiss Tourists.

(To TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sre,—Intending tourists in Switzerland may like - to hear of a delightful route which seems to have been much:neglected by our countrymen of......

Ru,e Lack Of Candidates Rot Holy Orders. Go The Editor

OF TRY ‘spairr.cion...] Sut,—One of the reasons for the unwillingness of many of the ablest men to become clergymen has not yet been men- tioned. I can most easily indicate its......