21 JUNE 1890, page 15

The Elephant Ryder.'

[TO THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR.'] Sin,—I cannot help thinking that there is something ques- tionable in the story of Ryder,' the elephant, quoted by you from Colonel......


[To Tax EDITOR OT THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The conclusions of your excellent article of the 7th, .entitled "M. Daudet on Evolution," have been anticipated by Lord Tennyson in the......

The Septuagint The Main Source Of New - Testament...

[To THE EDITOR OF THR " SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — In the Spectator of the 14th inst., an anonymous. correspondent calls in question my statement and your own,_ that the greater......

The Gordon Statue.

[To THE EDITOR Ol TaI " EPECTATOR."1 SIB,—Your criticism of the Gordon statue as it stands in the Academy is just. As it stands in the Barrack Square at Chatham, facing the arch......


A VISION OF SOUND. RUSH of waves ! where waters meet : Roll of wheels along the street ! Clatt'ring hoofs that nearer come, Barking dogs that guard their home ! Wide-stretch'd......