21 JUNE 1935, page 19


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Many of those who have read and admired Mr. G. T. Garratt's new Life of Brougham must, like myself, have regretted that it was reviewed in......

Planned Emigration

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May I as an Australian be permitted to comment on a few points in Mr. Ammon's letter in your issue of June 14th ? Mr. Ammon, citing the......


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR, What are the chief drawbacks in modern life ? Surely " noise "is one of the greatest. Who has not been unpleasantly aroused by the early •......

Recommendation Letters

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Illness has prevented me from writing earlier in strong support of your correspondent, Mr. F. W. Tanner, of May 17th. He emphasizes the......

Great Britain And Italy

[To the Editor of TILE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Signor Mussolini tells the world that, " We will imitate to the letter those who are giving us a lesson. They have shown that when it was......