21 MARCH 1958, page 18


SIR,—In his letter, Dr. Forestier says 'atrocities have been committed . . . exceptionally, by French soldiers.' I would draw his attention to thq report of the French Catholic......

The Early Welsh Church

SIR,—Having listened recently to the Archbishop of Wales's grand review of Welsh church history, I was again reminded of the unfortunate inference made, quite unintentionally,......

Webster's World

SIR,—Strix should not be surprised that Webster's Geographical DictiOnary of Names of Places with Geographical and Historical Information and Pro- nunciations does not identify......

Sir,—with , Some Temerity I Invade The Controversy On...

because I had an experience rather similar to Elizabeth Montagu. Nearly three years ago the fiction editor of one of these large-circulation magazines asked me to send her my......

John Betjeman's Schooldays

SIR,—Betjeman! Name seems familiar. Let me see —eighty, ninety years ago? Yes, I've placed him. A pestiferous little fellow, if ever there was one. One thing I remember clearly.......

Sir,—in Last Week's Informational Method Article, Irving...

usefulness of improvi- sation. 'What part of the actor does this train besides his quick resourcefulness and reliance on habitual mannerisms'!' It trains the lively, organic,......

In Hungary

SIR,—Are Hungarian policewomen really 'allowed to wear both lipstick and hair to shoulder length'? (Spectator, March 7, page 291.)—Yours faithfully, EDWARD GILLOTT Education......

Television Plays

SIR,—John araine rightly takes Granada to task for not•naming in the TV Times the author of No Haunt for a Gentleman. May we promise to be more care- ful in future? The original......

Sir,—what Would Be The Public Opinion Of A Judge Who

said : 'Would the evidence clear the accused? If I thought so, I would listen to. it'? How can one, then, regard Miss Rose Macaulay, who writes in her letter about 'pop' fiction......