21 MAY 1887, page 2

The Emperors Of Germany And Austria Are Not To Meet

at Gastein this year. The reason assigned is that the German Emperor's health will not allow of so long a railway journey ; but as the Austrian Emperor could reach any appointed......

The Empire Grows, As It Were, By Its Own Volition.

Nobody that we know of wants Zululand, but we have had to annex that State. The heart of the Zulus went out of them with the fall of Ekowe, the Boers are perpetually stealing......

Mr. Morley's Speech On The Free-trade Question,—as Apart...

question which he professed hie intention of not handling, though he did handle it in a sense which seems to us utterly misleading,—was in every way excellent. He showed that......

Sir George Trevelyan Has Made Two Speeches This Week Against

the Liberal Unionists for not making up their differ- ences with the Gladstonians,—the first to the Eighty Club on Monday night, the other to the Manchester Reform Club on......

There Was A Noteworthy Discussion In The Lords On Tuesday,

on the new Irish Land Bill. A most important clause in that Bill places leaseholders under the operation of the Land Act of 1881. Lord Fitzgerald, Lord Selborne, the Duke of......

Mr. Morley Presided At The Cobden Club Dinner Last Satur-

day, and began by disowning any intention of turning that dinner to account in a party sense by speculating on the view which Mr. Cobden, had he been living, would have taken of......

At A Special General Meeting Of The Eighty Club On

Wednes- day, it was determined that " it is the duty of the Liberal Party to oppose the Irish Crimes Bill now before Parliament, and to maintain and enforce the policy of......

In The Manchester Speech, Sir George Trevelyan Added To The

Whig Pharieaism of the earlier speech a violent attack on the imputations now current against the Parnellites for their con- nection with the dynamiters and the party of......