21 NOVEMBER 1914, page 26

Prussia Or Germany P

[To TH2 EDITOR OF TH2 " tiPtOTLT01.1 SIR, —There is an enormous chasm which separates the Germany of to-day from the old Germany which we had learnt to love and reverence, from......

Drill For Schoolboys.

[To TIM EDITOR or Tss " Blazer/cos:1 Snt,—You have always been in favour of a reasonable amount of training for the young, and may be glad to know what is being done by at least......

Alleged International Hatred Between Germany And England.

[To TB2 EDITOR 07 TH2 " 8PICT2T02..'l SIR,—It is with astonishment and pain that I read in the Spectator of hatred supposed to exist on both sides between the people of Germany......