21 NOVEMBER 1987, page 31

Sir: The Current Debate About Child Be- Nefit In Your

columns is greatly to be welcomed; and the quality of the contribu- tions has been excellent. Noel Malcolm (Politics, 14 November) rightly picked out the point that the greater......

Anger Or Argument

Sir: Though your leading article ('React in anger', 14 November) is nominally pegged to our recent joint publication with Friends of the Union Two Years of Peace, Stability &......

Letters Middle-class Cupidity

Sir: Poor 'Poor Caroline' ('Household words, government sums', 7 November) . . . she would be 'devastated' to lose her Child Benefit. She has so little money left once her......

Silver Side

Sir: Mr Robert Silver (Letters, 7 Novem- ber) suggested that on the subject of ritual slaughter I should make 'my meaning clear and maybe do more research'. May I make the......

Independent Labour

Sir: Before Paul Johnson wrote his article 'Who speaks for Labour?' (The press, 30 October), it might have been useful if he had been able to read Nicholas Garland's piece on......