21 OCTOBER 1882, page 3

Mr. Parnell's Programme, As Accepted, Binds The National...

seek first of all an Irish Parliament, that is, in fact, not Home-rule, but Repeal; secondly, the sale of the land to the tenants by the State, for a price to be paid in......

All The Semi-official Papers In Paris Assert That The...

will probably not receive the Envoys from Madagascar. They have come to complain of French demands, and it is intended to tell them that their Queen is not Queen of Madagascar,......

A New Political Movement Has Broken Out In Spain. The

Liberals of almost all shades think S. Sagasta, though nominally a Liberal, far too reactionary, and have asked Marshal Serrano to be the mouthpiece of their ideas. The Marshal,......

If The Radicals Are Thoroughly Loyal, There Is Evidence That

'the recalcitrant Whigs are returning to their allegiance. Mr. A. Peel addressed his constituents at Warwick on Thursday, and while speaking somewhat apologetically of his vote......

Mr. Childers Has Hardly Had Enough Credit For His Military

administration, nor should we deny a good deal to that of his predecessors, from Mr. Cardwell to Colonel Stanley. The ad- mirable letter by Mr. Childers to his constituents at......

The Irish National Conference Was Held In Dublin On Tuesday,

end was attended by about 800 delegates, half of those invited. The proceeding s were full . of repressed excitement, but were brief, and ended in a victory for Mr. Parnell. He......

The Final Appointment Of Count Hatzfeldt As Foreign...

for Germany—of course, under the Chancellor—may have important effects upon the situation in Egypt. The Count is a favourite with Prince Bismarck, he has been long at Constanti-......

Lord Plunket Has Found Out That Disestablishment Has Not...

the cause of the Protestant Clergy in Ireland, but saved them from the machinations og the Land League, and that, in fact, Disestablishment has been " over-ruled" for their......

Consols Were On Friday 101f To 1011.
