21 OCTOBER 1905, page 3

And For Themselves On The Fiscal Question." There Was, He

declared, a remarkable resemblance between the agitation for the repeal of the Union and the agitation for the repeal of Free-trade. If Mr. Gladstone had not taken up Home-rule,......

The War Office Have Resolved To Adopt For A Time

Special measures to meet the shortage of officers in the cavalry. In an official circular'issued on Monday it is announced that the Army Council are prepared to receive......

We Have Great Pleasure In Announcing That The Subscrip-...

promised and received for carrying out Colonel Pollock's proposed experiment in Militia training have already reached a little over 2800. Though that is not quite a fourth of......

We Regret To Have To Record The Death Of Sir

Henry Irving, which took place with tragical suddenness on October 13th at Blackburn after the close of the performance of Becket. Sir Henry Irving had done admirable work in......

Tribunal Into A Periodic Congress, To Which The...

the world would compel all disputants to appeal, and the formation of a League of Peace among nations. He was glad to see that the spread of education caused a falling-off in......

In Regard To The Question Of The Total Abolition Of

war, we should like to ask Mr. Carnegie one question. When the South determined to break up the Union, did he or did he not side with those who said, "Erring sister, go in......

The Result Of The Poll In The Barkston Ash Division

of Yorkshire was announced on Saturday last, Mr. Andrews, the Liberal candidate, being returned by a majority of 228 over Mr. Lane-Fox. In 1886, 1895, and 1900 the late Sir......