21 OCTOBER 1949, page 5

* * * * The.govenunent's Financial And Economic Proposals...

not been announced as I write, but I hope Sir Stafford Cripps is still consider- ing, not merely on financial grounds, his suggestion that National Health Service patients......

M. Vyshinsky's Thunder

W HEN M. Vyshinsky speaks the first question to ask usually is what, in fact, he means. He spoke at Lake Success on Tuesday, not as might be expected to the United Nations......

Brandy For Heroes, Said Dr. Johnson ; Yet The Royal

Navy aban- doned brandy for rum. The Colonial Office has just been investi- gating the how and why and when of that, as the result of questions Prompted by a speech by the......

A Spectator's Notebook

T HE hoary old proposal for a State Lottery to bring funds into the Treasury is being fitfully pushed again. Since one of its sponsors is Field-Marshal Lord Birdwood, it cannot......

My Memory Only Fires On One Or Two Cylinders. Hence

my capacity to remember the appearance of Kipling's "Absent Minded Beggar," coupled with incapacity to remember who it was that set the poem to music. I am told it was Sir......

"you Have Got To Get Rid Of The Idea, Was

it her or was it him ? " Counsel in the Tierney murder case. And substitute, I should hope,......

The Headmaster Of The City Of London School Remarked The

other day that if children went less to the pictures, listened less to the radio and read more books instead they might be able to spell better than they do. I expect he is......