21 SEPTEMBER 1918, page 11

Period Of The War Are Taken Into Account. The Two

official White Papers Cd. 8168 and Cd. 8390, both issued in 1916. taken in conjunction with the figures of Lord French's present recruiting scheme, give all the facts. The first......

[to Tim Editor Or Tat " Spdctitor."1

Sre,—I am sure that all who have any knowledge of the V.A.D.'s must be grateful to you for taking up the question of their treat- ment. I have been mewing until recently in......

[to The Editor Of The " Eipeciator.”) Am Greatly Interested

in your article on this subject, and thankful that you have brought the matter so prominently before the public. I can from personal knowledge confirm almost every one of your......

[to The Editor Of The " Spectator.' 'i

SIK, — i should like to say a few words in reply to your article in the Spectator of September 7th on V.A.D.'s entitled "The Woman's Senior War Service." I think you either do......

Letters To The Editor.

[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, then those ushicJi fill treble the space.] THE WOMAN'S SENIOR WAR......