21 SEPTEMBER 1945, page 2

Church Finances

The final report of the Financial Commission appointed by the Church Assembly is an odd mixture of lengthy pleading for obvious and overdue reorganisation of central Church......

Atomic Power In Industry

If Professor Oliphant, who was a member of the technical com- mittee of scientists responsible for the development of the atomic bomb, is right, no security against its misuse......

Mr. Churchill And General Franco

The publication of the letters exchanged between General Franco and Mr. Churchill in 5944 completely disposes of the discreditable suggestion that Mr. Churchill had been unduly......

Britain, America And Oil

The Anglo-American agreement about oil which was made a year ago has been followed by the Anglo-American oil conference which opened in London last Tuesday. The former agreement......

Displaced Germans

The existence of nine million German refugees, displaced from their homes in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Eastern Germany, is the nemesis of Nazism. The forcible uprooting of......

Political Parties In Germany

The decision announced by Field-Marshal Montgomery to allow the reappearance of political parties in Germany in order " to foster the growth of a democratic spirit in Germany,......