21 SEPTEMBER 1962, page 26

Second Millennium

IN many respects the period from 2000 ac to 1000 nc must remain the most enchanting .1" h istory. It saw the first stirrings, in four con tirl' ents, of what can properly be......

Renaissance Man

Sir Walter Raleigh. By Norman Lloyd Williams. (Eyre and Spottiswoode, 30s.) BIOGRAPHERS find Sir Walter Ralegh irresistible. He has indeed something for all tastes. The romantic......

Exploding Europe

The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. XI: l ems, 1870 - 1898. Edited by F. H. Hinsley. fi o • Here, for the last time, a fairly tradi- e v■Ith th e signPsower and influence in......