22 APRIL 1893, page 1

News Of The Week.

A KIND of revolution has occurred in Belgium. Last week the Chamber and the Senate, as we recorded, rejected all plans for reducing the present restricted franchise, under......

The Immediate Motive For The Coup D'etat Was The Danger

of civil war. A Regent rarely excites loyalty, and a Council of Regency never ; and this particular Council had been most unwise. They had endeavoured to override the voters by......

On Friday Week, Mr. Asquith And Lord George Hamilton Were

the principal speakers. Mr. Asquith maintained that if Ireland is really as unfit for Parliamentary self-government as the Unionists maintain, the Union stands thereby self-......

The Young King Of Servia, Alexander L, Struck A Coup

d'etat on Friday week. He had just passed his military 'examination, and—according to the earliest accounts, since confirmed by the leading Regent, M. Ristitch,—invited the......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


Notice To Advertisers.

With the "SPECTATOR" of Saturday, April 29th, will be issued, 'gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages tof which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......