22 DECEMBER 1990, page 54

Quiz Question

Sir: Stephen Handelman's interesting arti- cle (`Goodbye Gorbachev', 1 December) about the sad failure of the Soviet com- mand economy reminds me of the follow- ing useful piece......

Letters Tiddles's Life And Times

Sir: Jeffrey Bernard in his letter (Letters, 1 December) refers to Nelson's cat Tiddles, who was present at the battle of Trafalgar. The subject, which is of some interest, has......

Lord Denning

Sir: Readers may well remember the inter- view I conducted with Lord Denning which was published in the 18 August issue. I wrote privately to Lord Denning just after publication......

Christmas In Prison

Sir: I wonder if I might use your corres- pondence columns to pass on greetings to Roger Cooper, who is a prisoner in Evjn jail in Teheran. I recently received a note from him......

If Symptoms Persist . . . .

Sir: Theodore Dalrymple is suffering from clinical depression and should see . . . a doctor. Phillip Hodson 58 The Pryors, East Heath Road, London NW3......

The Real Denis

Sir: Re John Wells's 'So farewell then, Denis' (1 December), when I knew Denis in the Seventies it was in the business world — pre PM and pre Burmah Oil, and of course long......