22 JANUARY 1887, page 3

The Convocation Of The University Of London Must Be Careful

what it is about, or it will lose caste as a body of learned men. Anything more puerile than the debate of last Tuesday as to the motto that would best suit the University, can......

Lord Monkswell Calls Attention In Another Column To The...

folly of using towards Mr. Gladstone terms of con- demnation so unlimited and so extravagant as some even of the abler Unionists adopt. The Conservatives are guilty of the same......

Mr. Leone Levi Has The Courage Of His Convictions. He

is a strict monometallist, and ventures even to advise that gold should be made the only legal currency of India. He does not, however, suggest where India is to obtain all the......

The Foreign Office Should Settle The Dispute Between...

the United States about fishery rights. The Canadians are pressing those rights hard, or, at least, New England thinks so, and American feeling is growing excited. The Foreign......

A Memorial To The President, Vice-president, And Council...

Royal College of Surgeons was published in the Medical Press of last Saturday, which will give a great shock to all who dread the rapid diffusion in England of the methods of......

The Press Has Circulated A Confident Rumour That The Measure

which is to be brought in to strengthen the Administration in Ireland will empower the Crown, in certain cases, to summon special jurors, and when necessary, to change the venue......

Lord Randolph Churchill Having Departed, The Metropolitan...

to his denunciation of the Coal-duties. They show that Lord Randolph, in talking of their indebtedness, was careless as to his figures; but they do not make much of their argu-......

Mr. Labouchere, In His Speech At Spalding On Thursday, Re-

peated the nonsense which he is now always talking about the Radical majority in this country. If there be such a majority, why are not the Radicals in power ? Mr. Labou- chere......
