22 JANUARY 1960, page 15

Sir,_peo Who Do Not Know Greece Will Get, On Read Ing

Mr. Simon Hodgson's article 'Attic Attitudes,' a very untrue impression of that lovely country, of its Peo Ple. of its officials and of its food. People who do know Greece will......

The South African Foundation S1r,—the Formation Of The...

Founda- tion has been reported in your columns. This Founda- tion professes a concern to.establish a good name for South Africa. It will seek, on a projected half a million per......

Sir,—it Seems To Me That Mr. Simon Hodgson Travelled In

Greece determined to be miserable. Every time he ordered a meal he deplored his absence from the Tour d'Argent; when the bill came he was upset because drachmas.don't look like......

The British Students' Orchestra

SIR,—I appreciate Mr. Cairns's courteous reply to my letter. It is true, as he states, that the orchestras of the conservatoires do not always reach, in their terminal concerts,......

Sta,--mr. Eric Sevareid Is Rightly Provocative In His...

Nigeria and one might question much of what he says. May I take him up on two points? I. Although I have been closely interested in music in the Eastern region since 1939, I do......

Sir, —sir Thomas Armstrong's Letter Which You Pub- Lished...

exposed the fallacy of much that Mr. David Cairns had written about the colleges of music in a recent article. Mr. Cairns's further comments on this letter will also inspire......