22 JULY 1837, page 13

Hints To Honest And Sensible Electors.

Ins limitation to " honest" and " sensible " is made advisedly : we have nothing to say, at present, to those who yield up their souls to the self-delusions, the hypocrisies,......

The Whigs And The Army.

Ia the 'Whigs were really all that they affect to be at Court, would Lord H I LL be permitted to remain at the Horse Guards? The Com- mander of the Forces has more patronage......

Baron Munchausen At Court.

THE announcement contained in the following paragraph of fashionable news, in the journals of Monday last, of that illus- trious foreigner the renowned Baron MUNCHAUSEN being a......

The Beethoven Concert.

THF. Germans are about to erect a monument to their illustrious countryman BEETHOVEN, in his native city, Bonn. They have a feel- ing towards the arts, which we, as a nation,......

Elopement By Steam.

" The Preston and Glasgow Railway passes through Gretna Green; and it will be possible to travel from London to the forge matrimonial, and back again, on the same day. The......