22 JULY 1922, page 19

Philosophical Stitdifis.*

Tars volume by the author of Principia Ethica is the first of " The International Library of Psychology, Philosophy and Scientific Method," a new series published by Messrs.......

Herr Von Schoen's Memoirs.

THERE are some interesting passages in The Memoirs of an Ambers. sailor (G. Allen and Unwin, 10s. 6d. net), written by Herr von Schoen, who was the German Foreign Secretary from......

Lessons From The Old Testament.*

Tars new and revised edition of Canon Glazebrook's well-known work would have been published in 1915 had it not been for the War. But the delay has not been without advantage ;......

A Passionate Critic.*

Sum voluminous praise has been given to Mr. Murry as a critic that one is tempted, knowing the lavish tendency of modern literary manners, to approach him with prejudice, and to......